02 March 2009

God's Eyes

I've been groovin' on god's eye's for a while now. A few years ago Monkeytown was decorated with huge one's made from branches (I couldn't find pix). In 2006 Ami and I made tiny ones from toothpicks to decorate our miniature Christmas tree. Lately I've been feeling the need for any all forms good luck charms, amulets and agents of positive energy: crystals, dream catchers, frankincense, crucifixes, sage and anything else you might want to suggest. I've been working on getting my bedroom nook to the heights of spiritual and physical coziness (more on that soon). I am on a search for the perfect god's eye for the nook.

Learn how to make this at Kiddie Doodle 4
I happened upon a photo of my friend Gaelan while searching flickr: Megan Z


kadler said...

I used to make them with popsicle sticks all the time. Wasn't a huge fan, but with a bunch of them all tacked up like the first pic, they look pretty enat.

thehistoryofmyfuture said...

i smell a craft night.

Leti said...

Hell yeah. I am volunteering your house. I'll bring the yarn

M&C Motorcycle said...

Greatt reading your post